Details from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is a wonderful place for indoor photography.  Unlike other religious sites, the Basilica is very tolerant, even encouraging, the use of tripods.  A friend and I went there one dreary day and had a great time.

On the left is detail from one of the arch supports for the Knights of Columbus Incarnation Dome.  The upper floor features three such dorms.  For you Notre Dame fans, there is also a “Touchdown Jesus” located in the north apse.

On the right is the ceiling of one of the many small chapels lining the side of the Basilica.  The detail in these is truly spectacular.

I was not as impressed with the lower church where the crypts are located.  This area is lacking in color, consisting of browns and grays.  The exception is the crypt church.  Two stained glass windows and the organ are worth spending time with.

I suggest that you take a quick tour of the upper church before you start taking pictures.  There is so much spectacular detail, you want to make sure you get your favorite areas first before you run out of time.

Because it was a rainy day, we did not spend any time photographing the exterior of the building.  Rain ir shine, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is a great photography destination within the DC beltway.

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