Panorama of Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site

Panorama of Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site (click to enlarge)

Saugus Ironworks could be my favorite National Historic Site.  My family hails from the Boston area, but we only recently stopped by this site.  All of these buildings offer old tools, bellows, waterwheels, wooden gears, and other details for the photography buff in your group.  While the site is small, a photographer could spend several hours snapping away.  So be warned!

The image above is a panorama stitched together from 5 individual images.

Saugus Ironworks N42 28 08.94 W71 00 24.83

Panorama of the Snake River From Signal Mountain

On February 3, 2017, in Wyoming, by admin
Panorama of the Snake River From Signal Mountain

Panorama of the Snake River From Signal Mountain

Here is a panorama image of the Snake River taken from the top of Signal Mountain in Grand Teton National Park.  The original image is 14 inches tall by 68 inches wide.

Fortunately we had clouds to add visual interest to the sky.  During our whole two week trip clouds were an infrequent sight.  Good for some vacationers, not so good for photographers.

Signal Mountain: N43 50 55.35 W110 34 02.70

Canyonlands National Park Panorama

On September 6, 2014, in Utah, by admin
Canyonlands National Park Panorama

Canyonlands National Park Panorama (click to enlarge)

One more (maybe) iPhone snapshot.  This one uses the panorama mode on the phone.  I am actually a little bit impressed with this; compared to my Really Right Stuff PG-02 Pro Omni-Pivot Package panorama rig, this was much easier.  Although this does get soft once you start zooming in, a problem I don’t have with my Really Right Stuff  gear.

Located near Moab, Utah, Canyonlands National Park is a good companion to Arches National Park.

N38 18 36.40
W109 51 23.79

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