Secret Walls of the Cliff Dwelling

On May 3, 2024, in New Mexico, by admin
Left Side, Gila Cliff Dwellings (click image to enlarge)

Nikon D810, 1/320 sec, f/16, 24mm, ISO 200

Here is a ground-level view of the left side of the Gila Cliff dwellings. I especially like the little bridge-like structure coming off the big wall on the right side. I also like how the walls in the center blend in so well with the surrounding cliff-side. Notice the sharp edge between the cliff top and the blue sky. This is the result of using a circular polarizing filter. The clear blue sky and sharp edge actually detracts from the overall composition.

The dwellings sit near the top of a ravine. However, the only way to reach them is from the bottom of the ravine. To reach the dwellings you have a choice of a long, not so steep approach, or the short, steep approach. While neither route is strenuous, I would hate to make it several times per day while fetching water or going hunting or hunting and gathering, which I image were daily chores.

Gila Cliff Dwellings: 33.227263° -108.267446°

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