One last image from the Big Room at Carlsbad Caverns. This is a column speleothem (or cave formation to us non-scientists) from Carlsbad Caverns. Unlike stalactites and stalagmites, a column speleothem reaches from the cavern’s floor to ceiling.
This column has many interesting features such as scrolls in the upper left, and what look like roots, or inverted jellyfish along the left.
Carlsbad Caverns: N32 10 38.97 W104 26 34.32
This image comes from the Big Room at Carlsbad Caverns. The brighter stalactite formation on the left is named The Chandelier. The Big Room is the one you roam around during the self-guided tour. One could spend hours in the Big Room photographing the various formations.
I like the black and white version of this image much better than the color one. The black and white image places emphasis on all of the pointy stalactites. In the color image, the points kind of get lost within the natural brown and tan colors.
Carlsbad Caverns: N32 10 38.97 W104 26 34.32
New Mexico Road Trip Locations (click to enlarge)
Here is a map of the photography locations I visited during a recent business trip to New Mexico. This is a screen capture from the Map Module in Adobe Lightroom. The Map Module makes it easy to visualize where you have been and select images from a certain location.
Using the numbers in the boxes as references, here are the locations I visited. Future posts will cover each of these locations in some detail. Starting in Albuquerque and proceeding clockwise:
37 – On this trip I focused on the old motel signs along Route 66 in Albuquerque.
75 – Old Town Sante Fe
22 – Pecos National Historic Park
67 – Fort Union National Monument
34 – Cadillac Ranch
6 – Cannon Air Force Base
11 – Taiban
3 and 3 – Billy the Kid Grave Site and Museum
46 – Carlsbad Caverns (not shown)
26 – Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument – Gran Quivira
5 – A random ranch on the way to Gran Quivira
7 – Mountainair
21 – Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument – Quarai
I visited these locations over two weekends, and lots of miles on my rental car!