Saint Mary Lake Panorama, Glacier National Park

Saint Mary Lake Panorama, Glacier National Park (click to enlarge)

After capturing sunrise at the Wild Goose Island overlook, head over to the Glacier Park Boat Company.  On the Saint Mary Lake tour you can either walk the short distance to Baring Falls or take the ranger-guided tour to Saint Mary Falls.  While on the tour boat enroute to the falls, you will have great panoramic views of the terrain surrounding the water.  The boat operators are very knowledgeable about the area and point out the many flora, fauna, and geological highlights.

The tour boat passes right next to Wild Goose Island (the island was abeam the tour boat when I took this image).  With more time, I would have gone back to the Wild Goose Island overlook and tried capturing the tour boat close to the island.  I think capturing the first tour boat of the day near Wold Goose Island in calm waters would add a nice element to the composition.

We were a bit time limited so we opted for the quick hike to Baring Falls.  The falls were not overly photogenic, but worth the walk.

Saint Mary Lake, Glacier National Park N48 41 09.29 W113 32 23.03

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