Bobbins on Spool

Bobbins on Spool (click to enlarge)


Here is another image from Lowell National Historic Park.  This is the part of the machine where all of those bobbins in the previous post go to make linen.  The shear number of bobbins required within this small area of the mill is impressive.  I now understand why there are so many bobbins in antique stores wherever you go.  This room alone had a lifetime bobbin supply for even the biggest antique store.

I did not have my tripod when I went into the milling room so I had to hand hold my camera for all of the images.  In some cases I was able to brace myself against a pillar or railing.  In other cases, like the image above, I was unable to brace against anything and the images came out a little bit soft.  Don’t make my mistake, take your tripod into the linen mill.  There is plenty of room in the area that you can move your tripod out of the way of other visitors if need be.

Lowell National Historic Park N42 38 49.89 W71 18 34.32

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